Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin).
Body to vitamin B 12 for the synthesis of DNA and RNA growth of red blood cells usually affects vitamin B 12 absorption and use of themes in the ELT body. Soluble in water and alcohol do not tolerate acid or alkaline and light. Foods with vitamin B12 include meat, liver, kidneys, Squid fish sauce, eggs, salted fish, pork fish lamb, shellfish meat and white, milk, rice with butter cheese yogurt, its Coarse rice, beans, seeds, beans fermentation (bean) paste and green leafy vegetables. But for many in muscle, kidney, fish and animal feed milk and butter should be noted that.Vitamin D is found in animal species that the enzyme in plant vitamin B 12 is to help accelerate Co. years Kiriya DNA synthesis (Deoxyribonycleic acid), vitamin B 12 is the relationship to work closely with the amino acids. Tony Ting Pan Summer acid as vitamin C and C are necessary for building red blood cells. , Is necessary in the protein Alicia porous near Grand, fat and carbohydrates, is the steel in the body, allows the synthesis time Grand O'Neal and Carolyn Coe, a key ingredient to help prevent buildup. fat in the liver (Lipotropic Factors) Vitamin A helps to put meat on the physical integrity of the film. , Aid is healthy. Hale, are responsible for lipid metabolism. This contributes to the maintenance of membrane sheets. The ground wrapped nerve (myelin Sheet), acting on energy storage in muscle, acts of toxic substances dissolved cyanide (cyanide) is a potent poison. May be found in food and cigarettes.
If vitamin B 12 resulting anemia causes malignant longer due to the body. Unable to absorb vitamins, genetic factors. Affecting the transport and metabolism, vitamins, people Wirat strict vegetarian diet, cutting some stomach. Form of chronic diarrhea. Or the cell membrane gastric Bush. And intestine atrophy. Make a wrong absorbed. If vitamin B 12 is much more to stimulate the decomposition of acid-New Clean makers. Iorik acid made. Should be cautious in patients with gout.
* General.
o Vitamin B 12 is required for coenzyme intermediary metabolism and body need vitamin B12 for the synthesis of DNA and RNA growth of red blood cells usually affects vitamin B 12 absorption and use of themes in ELT the body.
o Cobalamin or vitamin B 12 is required for Coenzyme Enzyme 2 types of methionine synthase and L-methionine synthase catalyze Methylamlonyl Coamutase year note flow Kiriya Hemoeysteine to methionine by 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Coenzyme vitamin B 12 is. animals. Will be in the form of the protein will be included in the breakup of the stomach. Therefore, and pepsin in the gastric environment is important for vitamin B 12 absorption of the vitamin is not stored in the cell.
o characteristics.
+ A garnet crystal. Dissolved in water and alcohol do not tolerate acid or alkaline and light a complex formula structure similar Helen ModusLink Global Aviation. But different in that the vitamin B 12 cobalt atoms in 1 ModusLink Global Health Bill, but it is steel. Vitamin B vitamins is different from other plants are unable to synthesize vitamin B 12 is in the body which collectively have several other cattle that Toshiba and Garmin, but leave a significant effect on the garnet crystal is called. Chaiya Noble Co., The Baton Cummins. (Cyanocobalamin) Vitamin B12, which are sold and recreational drugs are higher in the high reel Baton La Hotel Co. Cummins. (Hydroxocobalamin).
o history.
+ C. Since 1926, no knots, and Murphy (Murphy and Minot) to treat patients with types of anemia Perry New Financial Inc. (pernicious anemia) by eating liver.
1929 + port Castle (Castle) found that the disease caused by lack of equipment needed to build red blood contains shelves of music Prince You factor (extrinsic factor) from food and print You . factor (intrinsic factor), which is in the stomach.
+ This was the case in 1948 by Eric Smith and Kerry Park (Ricker, Smith & Parker) to a separation that has a red crystal of the liver. This effect can be changed. Anemia types Perry New Financial Inc.. And found that a single ray with the music of Prince Castle You factor.
+ Harbor in 1965, Charles Merrill and the familiar catch (Shinton and Chalmers) managed to produce vitamin B12 by bacteria used in the degree of production pipeline year Stephanie not associated Xin.
+ Harbor in 1973 Howard Wood (Woodword) can synthesize vitamin B 12 chemistry successfully.
* Sain.
o Vitamin B 12 for the bone marrow is to help accelerate Co. enzyme years Kiriya DNA synthesis (acid Deoxyribonycleic) because, if no trace of synthetic DNA to create red blood cells do not result in cell division, but the greatest expansion. Red blood cells become larger. (Megaloblasts) and will be sent in the flow of blood instead of the usual red.
o Vitamin B 12 is involved in working closely with the amino acids that acid Pan Ting Summer Tony C and Vitamin C is needed to build red blood cells.
o is needed in the near Grand Samsung Alicia protein, fat and carbohydrates.
o help make the work of steel in the body.
o help synthesize Grand Times Co. and Lee O'Neal, who is a key element to help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver (Lipotropic Factors).
o recreational stimulate growth in children. Underdeveloped and undernourished. These children often lack vitamins and vitamin B 12 when the other vitamin B 12 to increase appetite. Eat more. However, growth of the child is generally lacking this vitamin to vitamin B 12 does not apply.
o Vitamin A helps to bring the meat to the physical integrity of the film. By helping the absorption of carotene. Carotene and Vitamin a change.
O Help is healthy. Energetic.
o are responsible for lipid metabolism. This contributes to the maintenance of membrane sheets. The ground wrapped nerve (myelin Sheet).
o acting energy storage in muscles.
No act of toxic substances dissolved cyanide (cyanide) is a potent poison. May be found in food and cigarettes.
* Source found.
o the liver, kidneys, Squid fish sauce, salted fish meat pork lamb, fish, shell eggs, milk, butter and white rice yogurt cheese, rice bran coarse beans, seeds, beans fermentation (moth bean) and breast Jiang green leafy vegetables, but more to the. kidney, muscle and feed their animals, fish and dairy butter is interesting to note that. Vitamin D is found in animal species than in crops.
* The recommended dose.
o People with normal vitamin B 12 are all rapidly changing body of about 5,000 micrograms of vitamin B12 so that it is the only vitamin that the body type to maintain a substantial amount. Stored in the liver is more about 1700 micrograms.
3 to 8 months, 0.4 micrograms per day.
9 to 11 months, 0.5 micrograms per day.
1 to 3 years 0.7 micrograms per day.
4 to 6 years 1.0 micrograms per day.
7 to 9 years, 1.3 micrograms per day.
Aged 10 to 2.0 micrograms per day Those.
Pregnant 5.0 micrograms per day.
Nursing Child Female 5.0 micrograms per day.
* Result of lack.
o symptoms which indicate that vitamin B 12 anemia caused serious type called Perry new Sierra Inc. Annie wife because of the absence of factors of gastro-intestinal in gastric juice. Result in food boring fatigue. Easy fatigue, decreased memory. Mood changes are difficult to meditation walking stupor Specialty little sore on the skin and balance body waste from the other.
Adverse symptoms of such vitamin. If eating will not appear, but the injections are allergic, but at least some cases.
o lack of vitamin B 12 does not cause bone marrow to produce red blood cells to reach full. This red is not divided. Will be called great. Mega Las Solo Management tab. (Megaloblasts) and will be released into the bloodstream, allowing the ability to bring Henry to ModusLink Global Airport by different parts of the body is reduced. Cause the onset of anemia Perry Financial News, which is a skin disease with blond Trouble breathing, nausea tongue weight inflammatory disorders of the nervous system and can not walk straight, etc..
o discussed the factors that led to a lack of vitamin B12.
+ Causes of vitamin deficiency often caused by the body can not absorb vitamins. This may be due to non-binding proteins of the left gastric.
+ Genetic factors. Affecting the transport and absorption of vitamins.
+ Party Wirat strict vegetarian diet, without eating eggs, do not drink milk. And dairy products. And do not eat. Vitamin Accessories Vitamin B 12 will be received from undernourishment.
+ Cut some stomach. Form of chronic diarrhea. Or the cell membrane gastric Bush. And intestine atrophy. Make a wrong absorbed.
+ In the elderly due to disorders related to vitamin deficiencies. The gastric juices in the stomach are absorbing the vitamin in foods is not. Whole because of the reduction factor of production inherent.
* Following the receipt of more.
o stimulate the decomposition of acid-New Clean makers. Iorik acid made. Should be cautious in patients with gout.
* More information.
o absorption.
+ Because vitamin B 12 molecules are larger than other vitamins. Therefore, the mechanism of absorption is special. From when food is vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract to separate vitamin B 12 is a freedom from other foods. And then capture the music of Prince E NT factor (intrinsic factor), which is not that proteins from cow to recreate the path of cells S Metals (parietal cell) results in gastro-intestinal music printing You real factor. Nobody knows. But recognize that the Act does not prevent vitamin B 12 were destroyed in the intestine before absorption. You pay in the Music factor to take vitamin B 12 to the terminal small intestine and vitamin B 12 Issued in the small intestine wall. To access the bloodstream. When the blood vitamin B 12 include the transport protein. Trans Co., Baton The Cummins. (Transcobalamin) Vitamin B 12 to send to other organs are organs that need more vitamin B12, including the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and body store of vitamin B12 in the body is slightly common people about 1-10 mg per cent 50. -90 In the liver, if it loses in Music You pay factor. Body to absorb vitamin B 12 is not only vitamin B 12 in the amount of food than usual but the body has absorbed only about 1 percent.
+ Vitamin B 12 is the drain bile. A little sweat and urine of milk.
o recreational substances or dietary supplement.
+ Vitamin B included.
+ Vitamin B 6 helps the body absorb vitamin B12.
Polystyrene + Co..
+ Folic acid.
+ Vitamins and iron to help absorption of vitamin B 12 improved.
Calcium + infiltrate the body vitamin B 12 is mixed with the need for calcium. To be fully effective.
Digital + Expo Inc. and Sierra Hybrids sodium.
o Anti-food substances or ineffective.
+ Another seizure medication (Dilantin).
+ To eat birth control pills.
No rot.
+ Vitamin B 12 is a sustainable way to cook simple. But if cooked in lye to make this type of loss of vitamins. Or lower quality depending on the strength of the spots that will be destroyed, but in light and acid.
o evaluation.
+ Vitamin B 12 may be by road. Microbiological test using Lactobacillus leichmannii or Competitive protein binding radioassay specific values for cobalamin normal vitamin B 12 in C rum 110-800 pg / ml measured by the intensity measured in the thickness of cobalamin C rum, which is the diagnosis up. first. How to use a selection of people lack vitamin B 12 has the best beach Nomal defined normally used for value 2 SD for healthy people in general the value of vitamin B 12 C is the Rum 200-900 pg /. ml and the value of four Elt is generally between 2.5-10 ng / ml.
When the detection levels of vitamin B 12 C lower than the drum to 300 pg / ml or folate levels below those of C. Rum 5 ng / ml in May vitamin B or twelve themes ELT. Should evaluate the next step for sure. To exclude that lack of vitamin B 12 or themes Elt one or two losers. On assessment that no person Vitamin B 12 or themes Elt correctly. Will be very important in monitoring therapy or radiotherapy, because if. Do not be diagnosed correctly the first time since May cause harm to the person to intervene, sometimes for the life of vitamin B12 is important because only then can cause pernicious anemia is the cause. mental disorders with other nerves that can be avoided if the diagnosis was wrong according to other hills to the cause of the disease.
+ Methylmalonic acid and measurement of C rum Homocystelne in check in the amount of rum vitamin C. May many people who have symptoms of a lack of vitamin B 12 and Forbes Elt revealed serious clinical symptoms, but a vitamin B 12 and Forbes, RUM Elt less vitamin C in the 2 types of acts not in cells . be influenced by plasma levels. Binding proteins in plasma, which is not associated with vitamin B 12 in the experimental cells should be tested to the next step is to test to diagnose. And the distinction between a lack of vitamin B 12 and Forbes Elt by monitoring levels of methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homocysteine (HCYS) or in plasma C Communications.
Normal values.
Methylmalonic acid in C. Rum 70-270 nM / L.
Homocystelne in C. Rum 5-16 micro M / L.
Vitamin B 12 (5-Deoxyadenocylcobalamin) is essential cofactor for enzymes to change Methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl-CoA when vitamin B 12 Methylmalonyl Coa be converted to succinyl-CoA will not hydrolyze methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels C. Rum. Similarly enzyme methionine synthase folate for the year to fill Kiriya Methyl Group to become Methionine homocysteine using enzyme methionine synthase and vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) is when the absence of cofactor and vitamin B 12 themes ELT will.
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