What is vitamin C ?
History discovered vitamin C, starting from the 18th century they noticed that the Navy ships to remain at sea is long. They tend to lack fresh fruits and vegetables. Lakpidlakepid disease. And health is not good. Symptoms of fatigue were frequent, but someone noticed that the symptoms are not found in the Navy and regularly eat lemon when scientific knowledge to advance in 1982 was able to find nutrients that are causes important. diseases such substances that they lack the Navy is "kernel acid, LLC, Florida (ascorbic acid) that" treatment is ineffective acids can help today Lakpidlakepid LLC Corporation Bickerton. It is generally known in the name "vitamin C" and scientists know that you have received a Nobel Prize to 2 times longer life and more than 90 years, even cancer long as 20 years. if the port village Dr.Linus Pauling West Island. This been said. Because they can be healthy and can slow the progression of cancer in more than 20 years, it contains vitamins and minerals because they eat out. In particular, vitamin C, after which they eat small High each day. It was not a cold from eating another Dr.Linus Pauling Vitamin C Tablets age of 40 years and increase the size up to 18,000 mg of when their cancer age 64 He confirmed that it helps cancer in the body calm. down.
Benefits of vitamin C.
We generally known that vitamin C is much more useful. Not that protect cells. Strengthening immunity. Health and strength to tissues in the body associated with the tendon and the collagen is derived from the amount of vitamin C and vitamin C in the body have a significant effect on breast Anty Sim Dan good management. May prevent cell damage from free radicals is well. And it can help the body recycle other anti-free radicals. For many, it should be consumed with substances of vitamin C, other anti-free radicals, such as vitamin E, carotene was not so great as Do.In addition, vitamin C has other advantages are.
• Vitamin C helps reduce the severity and duration of colds. If you start to eat vitamin C begins to show symptoms of catarrh. Help reduce the severity of symptoms and disappears quickly. When a 1995 study found that while vitamin C orally from 1000 to 6000 mg per day from the symptoms of catarrh. To help achieve 21% faster, but still no report that vitamin C can help prevent catarrh a.
• Vitamin C help scars disappear faster because vitamin C helps the body to repair and maintain themselves by constructing the cell wall. Cause capillary resistance. And anti-inflammatory. Hide the scars faster. However, a lack of vitamin C would result in injury to slow it.
• If you eat daily vitamin C. It will help the gums with vitamin C helps to maintain the cells are destroyed and the gum helps scars disappear soon.
•increase the resistance of heart disease by helping to increase the level of well control the State Forest when in the body, especially when consumed with vitamin E by reducing the fat on island artery walls.
• Vitamin C as a material with good anti-free radicals. It may contribute to the prevention and fight against cancer has been significant in this study but the findings do not know yet. The conflict has also significantly associated with vitamin C and protection against cancer.
• help prevent cataracts because vitamin C can help protect the lens of the eye, as an agent of tobacco smoke harmful light Ultra Wide involved. This stimulates the cataract. One study found that women who eat a vitamin C to at least 10 years has shown that the risk of having a milky glass eye symptoms of early cataract decreased to 77%.
• sinus relief of allergy and asthma because the natural vitamin C has anti-allergic substances are like flowers dust Greg ze which these allergy is the cause of sick sinus syndrome. In addition, the study showed that vitamin C helps prevent and cause asthma better.
• help prevent migraine. When you eat with pantothenic acid, vitamin C helps the body better cope with stress.
• aid the memory by vitamin C to help maintain the condition of nerve cells and works best when consumed with. Food, other anti-free radicals, such as vitamin E, carotene Banking Biotech Yuko Solo and mad cow enzyme Q10.
Size ate.
Under normal conditions, the recommended amount is 60 mg per day eating. (However, people smoking at 200 mg per day), however, food, health experts have recommended for performance. Good health should consume at least 100-200 mg per day. People with stress, 500 mg per day should consume daily. But if you want results for each year from diseases like cancer, senility should eat 250 to 1,000 mg.If we receive less vitamin C that the body should be. Lakpidlakepid happen. That even more severe if the lack of continuous time and no Gang Val dollars. It would be too much vitamin C soluble in water as well. When the body does not, will be expelled through urine. He did not report on the poisoning caused by consumption of vitamin C, even eating a higher amount of 6000 to 18,000 mg.
Practice eating for most.
• For best results consider the oral agents with other anti-free radicals, such as vitamin E are not too high to make the commitment to help improve the performance of vitamin C.
• general health. Should consume at least 500 mg per day.
• Eating for treating or preventing food from 1000 to 6000 mg depending on each disease.
• eating does not need to eat once a day. Can be classified as eating several times a day.
• dietary vitamin C did not need to eat food with. Before eating or eating.
• reported that vitamin C is not unique to their advantage esterified Vitamin C Vitamin C that simple.
• eating the other High. May affect absorption of other minerals such as copper Selenium.
• eating the other High. May affect the results of error detection in urine is glucose.
• Vitamin C helps iron absorption is good. Are the possible conditions were more than iron.
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